You are the captain of your ship. If you’re not happy with where your ship is, then it’s your own damn fault.
Some might say that’s not fair. Life just gets in the way sometimes, you might say, and there’s nothing you could have done about it. You might have been born in the wrong family, you might have been born with a disability, you might have undergone circumstances that are way out of your control…
Well tough beans.
Fact of the matter is, those are the cards you’re dealt with, and whether you like it or not, you just have to continue playing the game.
In this world, nothing is fair. Some are born with more, some are born with less .. but still we all have to deal with it to the best of our abilities… to the best that we possibly can.
Your family and friends can only help you so much. Those that love you will probably try to help you the most, but they can only help you up to a certain extent. You still have to do the heavy lifting. It is your life after all, and no one else can live it for you.
You can blame others or external forces all you want, but in the end, when it comes down to it, you have to be the one to live with yourself.
The Life I Didn’t Live
Believe me, I know.
All this tough talk actually comes from personal experience.
I’m actually the type of person who lives in misery, self-loathing, and regret. When the going gets tough, I go to bed and sleep over it. There was a time I actually spent one whole year sleeping and crying over milk I spilled.
It was hard, I couldn’t get over it…. So I slept.
And where did that get me? You guessed right. One year later, I was still right there on that bed, right where I left myself.
I learned a hard truth that year — The world will move on, with or without you.

Friends come, friends go. Friends get married, friends have babies, friends get on with their lives. No one is going to wait for you to get on with yours.
Snapped Out of It
So no matter how hard it takes, no matter how burnt the cookie bakes, try. Just try.
A wise woman once told me: It doesn’t matter where you start from, or how slow you move henceforth, what matters is you’re moving forward.
In my case, I literally was just too mad at myself that I snapped. I just told myself, enough is enough. Enough of this self-loathing, misery, and regret.
So get out of bed, put your pants on, and get ready to face the day. Yesterday was a wasted day. But today is a new day. Today, you will live 24 hours to do as you wish. And if you do nothing, that is something you will regret 24 hours later.
Each step you take in the right direction is a step closer to having the life you wished you had. Moping and wishing things can change will literally just get you nothing and nowhere.
Resilience is Key
The most successful people are not those that are perfect in every decision that they made, but those that were resilient enough to get through them. They don’t let the bad things in their life take over the good things that can still possibly happen.
There will always be things that you wish you could change, or things that you wish did not happen. But all you can do from this point forward is to shrug it off, move on, and try to do better next time.
Everyone has their own struggles they must face, but it is those that carry on in times of adversity that will come out victorious in the end.
And as for myself, I may not be perfect, but here’s me still trying.