Mind Traverse
This is Me Now — Adaptability is the Key to Survival
I don’t like this “new” me. If only I can go back to who I was… to the “me” I actually liked.
The Hardships of Spelunking and Life — Samaguing Cave in Sagada, Philippines
I woke up feeling lethargic. As usual, my mind was in a rather bad mood today. I wanted to sleep some more but couldn’t, I had to wake up. We were in the popular spelunking destination in Sagada, Philippines and today we were going to trek through the Cave Connection...
Mindful Minimalism: A Step-by-Step Guide to Living with Purpose and Less Clutter
Have you ever walked into a cluttered room and felt your stress levels rise instantly? Or maybe you’ve looked at your to-do list and thought, Why is my life so chaotic? If so, mindful minimalism might be exactly what you need.
Mindful Living: Practical Tips to Stay in the Present
I used to be a full-time future-worrier and past-regretter (is that even a word?), constantly revisiting things that were out of my hands. Eventually, I realized I was missing out on everything that was right here, right now, because I was tangled up in “what ifs” and...
Transfer Bad Thoughts Onto Paper
When you have something you need to do, rather than have it wallow in your head all day, you might as well transfer it into a to-do- list. This way, you won’t spend any of your mental energy trying to remember what you’re supposed to do. Using the same concept, if...
Logic VS Creativity — Should I be “Left-Brained” or “Right-Brained”?
Once upon a time, people thought that the ‘left’ and ‘right’ sides of the brain were responsible for two different forms of thinking — The left is for problem-solving and logical thinking, while the right is for creativity and intuition. Based on present-day brain...
To Regret is to Return to the Past
Today I was struck with a sudden realization. I can continue being “comfortable” in own my fictional ruminations of what-ifs and missed opportunities, over-turning scenarios of what “actually happened” with “what could have happened” if only I did this or did that… or...
“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” – Jim Watkins
Jim Watkins’s quote encapsulates a powerful metaphor for the virtue of perseverance and the impact it can have on achieving one’s goals.
You Choose the Life You Want to Live
You are the captain of your ship. If you’re not happy with where your ship is, then it’s your own damn fault. Some might say that’s not fair. Life just gets in the way sometimes, you might say, and there’s nothing you could have done about it. You might have been born...
Mindful Minimalism: How to Declutter Your Life and Mind
Ever feel like your life is a bit too cluttered, both physically and mentally? Whether it’s the overflowing closet that never seems to stay organized, the never-ending to-do list that keeps you awake at night, or the constant barrage of thoughts that make it hard to...
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff — Seeing things as Glass Half Unbroken
Once upon a morning, I was happily breezing along and contentedly riding my scooter when all of a sudden — disaster struck! My phone somersaulted out of its makeshift phone holder. In that split-second, I said a prayer to the mighty phone gods before quickly picking...
Regrets on Life’s Race — Life is too Short to Keep Living in the Past
Ready… hands behind the line… Get set… heels and buttocks up… BANG! And we’re off! Running as fast as our legs could carry us through the 100m track. All nervousness temporarily forgotten as my mind blanks out and my legs propel me forward. Before I knew it, I...
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